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ŽNK Radomlje


9. mednarodni turnir UKI CUP je prestavljen na termin v juniju.

Kljub temu, da glede koronavirusa razmere v Sloveniji niso kritične in športni ter drugi dogodki potekajo nemoteno, se je kar nekaj ekip iz tujine odločilo, da svojo udeležbo na turnirju preventivno odpovejo.

Organizatorji želimo ohraniti tradicijo in udeleženkam omogočiti kvaliteten turnir z bogato mednarodno konkurenco, zato smo se odločili, da UKI CUP izpeljemo v novem terminu: 12.- 14. junija 2020, ko bodo ligaška tekmovanja že končana.

Turnir bo idealna priložnost za zaključek nogometne sezone z vašo ekipo: dobra družba, nogomet, sonce in odlične tekme! Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje in se veselimo druženja v mesecu juniju!


Although all sport events in Slovenia are continuing as scheduled and the public health agencies in Slovenia do not recommend cancelling any events due to coronavirus, several teams from abroad have now decided, as a precaution, not to travel to Slovenia for the UKI Cup next week.

It is very important for us as the organizers, and we believe also to all the participating teams, to keep the tradition of UKI Cup as the high quality tournament with the participation of a good number of quality international teams.

This is the reason that the organizing committee has taken the decision to move the tournament to a later date.

The UKI CUP 2020 international tournament will now be held from 12. - 14. June, 2020.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you to the 9th UKI Cup in June.

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