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Writer's picturePeter Dominko


Odštevamo! Še mesec dni do turnirja Medex Cup 2024! Countdown is on! Just one month until the Medex Cup 2024!

Dragi ljubitelji nogometa, veseli in vznemirjeni smo, ker nas le še mesec dni loči od enega najbolj pričakovanih dogodkov letošnjega leta - 11. mednarodnega dekliškega nogometnega turnirja Medex Cup 2024!

Že zdaj vas vabimo, da se nam 2. in 3. marca pridružite v Športnem parku Radomlje in Športnem parku Virtus ter skupaj z nami doživite nogometni spektakel, del katerega bodo mlade nogometašice iz številnih slovenskih in tujih klubov!

Pričakujte izjemne igre in neverjetne veščine, navdušujoče tekme in nepozabne trenutke, nepopustljivo tekmovalnost in fair play duh.


Dear football enthusiasts, we are thrilled and excited as we are only a month away from one of the most anticipated events of this year - the 11th International Football Tournament for Girls Medex Cup 2024!

We invite you to join us on 2nd and 3rd March at the Sports Park Radomlje and Sports Park Virtus, and experience a football spectacle with us. Witness the participation of young female footballers from numerous Slovenian and international clubs!

Expect exceptional games and incredible skills, thrilling matches and unforgettable moments, as well as unwavering competitiveness and the spirit of fair play.

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